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Annual Civic Lunch 

23rd July 2021

                                                                     The Annual Civic Luncheon


After two postponements because of the Government’s Covid controls on socialising, the Master and Honorary Secretary worked wonders to provide us with a fully traditional Civic Lunch at Guildhall on Friday 23 July, just days after the final re-opening from restrictions.


Around 64 members and guests were welcomed into the Livery Hall by the Master, Miss Rachelle Goldberg, and Senior Warden, Allan Fallshaw.  During the Champagne reception everyone enjoyed this opportunity to mix normally together again after eighteen months of social distancing. 


The Master and our official guest, Alderman & Sheriff Professor Michael Mainelli, followed by the Senior Warden and Mrs Elisabeth Mainelli, were clapped in the traditional manner as they processed to the top table. The delicious luncheon consisted of fillet of trout with asparagus, rosette of new season lamb and custard flan with summer berries, accompanied by Italian wines, followed by coffee and port.


After proposing the loyal toasts, the Master introduced Alderman & Sheriff Professor Michael Mainelli. He thanked the Master, and proceeded to give an informative and entertaining speech. He joked that where he grew up in America sheriffs wore masks and gun-belts, so on his election to shrieval office in the City he’d felt quite comfortable wearing a face-mask, but hadn’t yet attempted to carry a gun! He praised the thriving success of Aldersgate Ward Club, and proposed the toast to it.


The Master thanked Sheriff Mainelli, and praised the good work the Lord Mayor and Corporation were doing to assist the City during these difficult times. She congratulated Leslie Breadmore on celebrating his 101st birthday, and paid tribute to members of the Club who had died during the past year, including two Past Masters: Deputy Joyce Carruthers Nash OBE and Peter Seaton.  The Master concluded by thanking the Sheriff and his wife for gracing us with their presence, and presented a cheque on behalf of the Ward Club to the Sheriff and Recorders’ Fund.


Ron Wood

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© 2014-2018 Aldersgate Ward Club

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